
NO MORE!!!!!!

First it was cookie monster, now santa?!? I draw the line here and now! I don't care that Santa is big and happy, and I definitely didn't think that Santa was cool cause he was fat! And who cares in the end, really? I mean people are so caught up in showing kids "the right messages" that they forget that you need to condition them to a variety of people and situations. I mean hey, if Santa's happy, who cares if he's fat? When I was skinny, I wasn't happy; however, it wasn't because of my weight, but because of my life at that time. Now I'm heavier, but happier, and I dare someone to try and tell me I'm the size I am because of fictional characters I encountered in my childhood. People are fat predominately because they choose to be. Some people have Thyroid issues, but they too can still stay below 230, and anyone who gets bigger than that is choosing to be that big by eating what they eat and how much they eat. This is just as ridiculous as those people who blame McDonald's or Burger King for their weight problem. I'm sick of hearing about it, and I'm sick of my tax money being used to "treat" such lazy people who are in denial of their own responsibility for their health, and the same goes for those who I have to support through my taxes because of their Emphezema caused by years of chain smoking, or mouth cancer from chew. It was your decision, no one forced the food down your throat or the cigs or chew into your mouth. In conclusion, just own up to the fact that you chose to do stupid shit, and now you have to pay the price, just like the amateur athlete has to deal with arthritis or permanent injury, without government assistance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I think people's perceptions of kids has changed over the years. People must think kids are dumb as hell if they have to moniter everything they see. I think it has something to do with how much time a kid spends in reality in contrast to how much time they spend watching TV or playing video games. The more time in reality the kid spends the more obvious the demerits of eating too many cookies becomes. Parents are just giving up on the fact that their kid follows everything a TV personality does and instead of teaching their kid how to think rationally they try and change the behavior of the TV personality. So instead of trying to help kids make adult decisions in the real world, people would rather change the fantasy world surrouding their children, which really won't help them in the long run because once they grow up they'll switch from imitating the vegitable eating habits of Cookie monster to spouting unthinking rehetoric from Fox News.

Damn people.